Pop Choir Golden State Concert Pic Large.jpeg

Sing Better Together

Sacramento Pop Choir is an innovative, intergenerational choir that actively invites adult singers of all levels into the wild world of pop music.

Are you ready to have fun and sing loud? Are you a former choir kid, secret shower singer, or pop culture junkie?

Do you live near Sacramento, California? Are you looking to live your best life by singing your heart out and learning about music? You are?! Brilliant. You are exactly where you need to be.

Let’s get you signed up for Sacramento Pop Choir.

Things you need to join the choir:

  • A good attitude, an open mind & heart, and the ability to play nice with others because choir is all about singing better together.

Things you do not need:

  • Perfect pitch, a degree in music, or any prior experience!

Things you cannot bring to pop choir:

  • Diva behavior. Choir is a team sport!

I joined Pop Choir a year ago. Everyone is welcoming and friendly; it’s a very low-pressure choir, and helped me rebuild my singing confidence after being away from choir for over a decade. Highly recommend, Emily and Heather run a great choir that truly feels inclusive, welcoming, and joyful!
— Teresa